
Eastlake Golf Club was established as a result of leasing a large area of land fronting Gardeners Road and forming part of what was known as the Sydney Water Reserve. The Metropolitan Board of Water Supply and Sewerage granted the lease to the Lakes Golf Club for a period of 20 years commencing on 26th September 1928 for the purpose of constructing a private golf course for the use of members of that club.

As a condition of the lease the lessee was required to also construct an 18-hole course with accommodation for changing clothes, showers etc for the use of general public. This course was constructed on the eastern side of the leased area and became known as the Eastlake Public Golf Course. The first 9 holes were completed and ready for play in 1930. The building for the use of the public was also completed at this time. The remaining 9 holes were completed and in play by 1932.

The Eastlake Golf Club was founded in 1930 upon completion of the first 9 holes by a band of enthusiasts comprising of 30 members and associates. One room in the public building was set aside for the sole use of the members as a locker room.

As a result of negotiations with the Lakes Golf Club the public building was extended to provide a Clubhouse for the sole use of members of the Eastlake Golf Club. These extensions were completed and officially opened in 1932 by Mr. M A Moverley M.L.A. for the district. The membership of the club had grown during this two-year period to 370 Members and Associates.

Supplying liquid refreshments for the expanding membership was a problem in those early days. The Club became incorporated under the Companies Act in 1936 and application was made for a liquor license. At the time of application there were only 21 clubs holding a liquor license. The Club was fortunate enough to have the dormant license of the Redfern Pigeon Club transferred to them.
In 1958 the Committee headed by Messrs. E Hanly, J Swadling and E Fuller were successful in negotiating to take over full responsibility for the care and maintenance of the Eastlake Golf Course. This involved a great capital outlay as the Lakes Golf Club had previously supplied all equipment.

Now, 80 years on the Eastlake Golf Club is now rated as one of the finest courses in the Sydney metropolitan area. It is also known as one of the more progressive golf clubs in Sydney, offering equal rights for men and women, and structured in a non traditional manner which improves the focus on the member, the golfer, the visitor, the course, the facilities, the service levels and the business.